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Home >> Diamond Grading >> Diamond Shapes >> Heart Shape >> Table %

The table is the large flat facet on the crown or top of a diamond. The table directly affects scintillation, or sparkle in a diamond. The combination of table size and crown angle governs the balance between brilliance, flashes of white light returning to the eye from within the diamond, and dispersion, the play of spectral colors seen by the eye created by refracted light as it prisms through a diamond's facets.
Heart Shape Diamond Cut Guide
Specifications for Ideal to Very Fine Cut

Select Emerald Cut Diamonds Within These Ranges

     total depth % ---------- 50% - 60%

     table % ---------------- 50% - 66%

     girdle thickness ---------Very Thin - Thick

     cullet ------------------ None - Medium

     polish ------------------ Excellent - good

     symmetry -------------- Excellent - Good

     flourescence ----------- None - Faint

     Length to width ratio --- .9 - 1.2 to 1

Heart shape table percentages that measure 66% or less are considered to be very fine. GIA has not established ideal table measurement percentages for heart shape diamonds, but heart shape diamonds that have table percentages below 66% have consistently proven to to deliver greater brilliance. The brilliance of your diamond depends on proper cutting. Our Certified Gemologist-Appraisers select only ideal to premium cut diamonds to ensure that the diamond you choose will be as brilliant as it is beautiful. A diamond with these premium proportions will cost more, but its brilliance is well worth the added investment.

Home >> Diamond Grading >> Diamond Shapes >> Heart Shape >> Table %